AWS Architect Course
Lesson 01 - Course Introduction
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Lesson 02 - AWS Overview​
Introduction to AWS
Global Infrastructure
Core AWS Services
Lesson 03 - Amazon EC2​
Introduction to Amazon EC2
Default User names for Linux AMIs
Amazon EC2 User Data and Meta Data
Amazon Machine Image AMI
Setup Putty - Lab
Launching a Linux EC2 instance - Lab
Launching a Windows Ec2 instance - Lab
Creating a custom AMI - Lab
Launching an instance using a custom AMI - Lab
Deregister AMI - Lab
Introduction to Amazon EC2 Security Groups
Creating, Modifying and Deleting security groups - Lab
Introduction to Amazon EBS
Amazon EBS volume types
Attach and Detach EBS volume to Linux - Lab
Attach and Detach EBS volume to Windows - Lab
Create, copy, share, restore and delete EBS snapshots - Lab
Instance IP Address
Attach and Detach Elastic IP Address to Linux - Lab
Elastic File System EFS
Create, manage and delete EFS - Lab
Mount an EFS filesystem to Linux - Lab
Introduction to Amazon EC2 Autoscaling
Create and Delete Launch Template and Autoscaling Group - Lab
Attach and Detach an instance from Autoscaling group - Lab
Move instance in and out of Standby mode - Lab
Manual, dynamic and scheduled scaling in autoscaling group - Lab
Suspend and Resume autoscaling processes - Lab
Introduction to Amazon Elastic Load Balancer
Setup Application Load Balancer - Lab
Setup Network Load Balancer - Lab
Lesson 04 - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud VPC​
Amazon VPC Features
DHCP Options Set
DNS attributes for VPC
Route Tables
Create and Delete VPCs - Lab
Work with DHCP Options Set and DNS attributes - Lab
Create and Delete Subnets, Route Tables and Routes - Lab
Network ACLs
AWS Internet Gateway
AWS NAT Gateway
Working with Network ACL - Lab
Working with Internet Gateway and NAT Gateway and test win EC2 instance - Lab
VPC Peering Basics
VPC Peering Lifecycle
Working with VPC Peering - Lab
Bastion Host
Working with Bastion Host - Lab
AWS Transit Gateways
Transit Gateway Architecture
Transit Gateway Routing
Working with Transit Gateway for VPC attachment - Lab
AWS Site-2-Site VPN
AWS Site-2-Site VPN Components
Setting up AWS Site-to-Site VPN - Lab
AWS Direct Connect
AWS Direct Connect Components
AWS Direct Connect Architecture
Lesson 05 - AWS Relational Database System RDS
What is AWS RDS
DB Instances
DB Subnet, Parameter and Options Group
DB Read Replicas
Multi-AZ Configuration
DB Performance Insights and Enhanced Monitoring
Database backup and restore
Working with DB instances - create, stop, start, delete MySQL DB instance - Lab
Backup and restore DB instance - Lab
Connecting to a MySQL DB instance - Lab
Lesson 06 - Identity and Access Management IAM​
What is IAM
How IAM works
IAM Identities - users, groups, roles
MFA with users
Permission and Policies
JSON Policy Document Structure
Create, Manage and Delete identities - Lab
Create and modify permissions - Lab
Attaching instance profile with an EC2 instance
Lesson 07- Amazon Simple Storage Service S3​
Amazon S3 Concepts
S3 Storage Classes
S3 Lifecycle
S3 Versioning
S3 security and encryption
Access control in S3
- Website Hosting
Working with S3 buckets and objects - Lab
Working with Policies - Lab
Cross-account S3 bucket access - Lab
Setup static website in S3 - Lab
Accessing S3 bucket via 3rd Party App - Lab
Lesson 08 - Amazon Route 53​
What is Amazon Route 53
How Route 53 works
Domain Register Concepts
DNS concepts
DNS Hosted Zones
DNS Resource Records
Route 53 Resolver
Working with hosted zones - Lab
Working with resource records - Lab
​Lesson 09 - Amazon CloudFront
What is AWS CloudFront
CloudFront Distributions
CloudFront Origins
Cache Invalidation
Create a CloudFront Distribution - Lab
Performing Invalidation - Lab
Lesson 10 - Web Application Firewall WAF​
Introduction to WAF
WAF components
Working with WAF - Lab
Lesson 11 - AWS Certificate Manager ACM​
What is ACM
Services Integrated with ACM
Certificate request and renewal process
Domain Validation process
Working with ACM certificates - Lab
Lesson 12 - AWS Systems Manager​
What is Systems Manager
About SSM Agent
What is Parameter Store
Working with Parameter Store - Lab
Working with Systems Manager - Lab
Lesson 13 - AWS Secrets Manager​
Features of Secrets Manager
Secret Manager concepts
Working with Secrets Manager - Lab
Lesson 14 - Amazon CloudWatch​
What is Amazon CloudWatch
CloudWatch concepts
CloudWatch Dashboards
Metrics and Alarms
CloudWatch Agent
Working with CloudWatch - Lab
Lesson 15 - Amazon CloudTrail​
What is Amazon CloudTrail
CloudTrail concepts
CloudTrail Logs
Working with CloudTrail events - Lab
Lesson 16 - Amazon CloudFormation​
What is CloudFormation
CloudFormation concepts
Working with CloudFormation - Create, Update and Delete an application stack